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Matt,Speaker Brazil v New zealand
Take a deep breath and dive in
There will never be a perfect time to start as all the pieces will never be in place. Try and turn the feeling of stress into a feeling of excitement.
Matt announcing Bangcock ISSF
Know your audience. For live or via a media outlet
 This rule has completely changed over the last 10 years. Now you need to assume that the whole planet will and can have access. It still may be wise to target your speech/interview/presentation to...
Know the equipment. Practice with the microphone, earpiece setup.
 The purpose of an interview is to put your points across in the most effective way. So understanding how to look your best will help your confidence and your performance. It’s worth spending some...
Matt speaker Munster v Bourgoin
Learn your speech off by heart. Split it into sections.
 When you know your subject and what you are capable of saying you can concentrate more on the delivery of a presentation. I learn my speeches off by heart, even if that can takes hours to break down the...
CNNMS collage matt
Practice with feedback before a presentation.
Nothing beats some honest practical feedback from a trusted/respected source. Swallow your ego if necessary and be open to improving.
Always have a plan B, as things do change.
 Being prepared for the unexpected is always the time investment. Often a PA system will have challenges so a second microphone may be required.
Become fast and accurate.
 Being the easy to work with and trusted for speed and accuracy can hugely help the production team working with you. Its difficult to explain how important this is for a happy and productive project.
Why to stay in your comfort zone before a presentation-
When the actual presentation or interview its vital to know that you can deliver the message you want to deliver. Know your limits and what works for you. The only way to do this is rely on your personal...
How to channel your nerves before public speaking
Treat the build up as part of the performance. Realise what are the stages you go through (with experience) and use the time available in the most efficient way possible.
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